Illuminating Lighting

Illuminating Lighting

Inside Out Interiors looks at Lighting

This month it’s all about lighting in your house. Lighting is one of the key elements that help make your house a home. The proper lighting in a house helps you to perform tasks easily, makes you feel more comfortable and safer, it also allows you to enjoy your home to its full potential. But did you know that each room has specific accent lighting needs?

Here are some tips when planning lighting for each room:

  • Foyer – The Foyer conveys the first impression of any home. Chandeliers can be used to create a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Living area – A variety of wall lights, ceiling lights and floor lamps are excellent choices for the living area because they create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Dining Room – Create a focal point using lighting. Use lighting as a centre piece above the dining room table. You can use a chandelier or a pendant light. Remember the light must express your own personal style and that of the room.
  • Kitchen – Sufficient lightning must be used in the kitchen because the kitchen is the busiest part in the house. Use higher watt bulbs in the kitchen. You can use Pendant lights, down lights or decorative fluorescent lights.
  • Bathrooms – Halogen bulbs are general the standard for bathroom lightning, but compact fluorescent bulbs are also a great option. Why not consider putting a small chandelier over the bath for ambiance and added romance?
  • Exterior Lighting – Use functional and fun lighting outside. Exterior lighting is usually used for security or to enhance the beauty of your home and garden.

Something to think about:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.


Posted on

March 15, 2018


Posted on

March 15, 2018

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